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La Citadelle de Besançon: 1 World Heritage monument, 3 Museums of France, a cultural and tourist site ambassador for UNESCO's founding values.
In this space, you'll find our press releases, press kits and highlights of the year.
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L’histoire de la Citadelle de Besançon est intimement liée à celle de son architecte : Vauban. Ce dernier, qui trace les plans de l’édifice en 1668, va profondément marquer de son empreinte l’ensemble de la ville. Au coeur même de la cité, pas moins de 18 autres sites du patrimoine Vauban ponctuent les fortifications et renforcent l’étonnante identité patrimoniale de la capitale comtoise. Cet ensemble architectural militaire de tout premier plan est inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial par l’UNESCO depuis juillet 2008. Avec 290 000 visiteurs annuels en moyenne, des centres d’intérêt multiples (patrimoine, histoire, musées, biodiversité, programmation culturelle…), la Citadelle de Besançon est un site incontournable de la région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.
Thematic press kits :

An immersive journey based on an original Deyrolle creation, where the unexpected mingles with the imaginary, where beauty and science intertwine to learn to observe, to marvel and to transmit in order to act!
A veritable exhibition-cum-parcours spread over the 12 hectares of Vauban's masterpiece fortress, "Dessine-moi ta planète" takes visitors on a fun, educational and inspiring journey in 10 stages.

Press releases :

Les visiteurs pourront vivre une expérience immersive inédite rendue possible grâce au minutieux travail de numérisation et modélisation réalisé pendant plusieurs mois à la Citadelle.

La Citadelle and its museums are offering a fun and entertaining program during the October vacations!
An opportunity to discover or rediscover the "Draw me your planet" exhibition, as well as all the tours and workshops on offer
the site and its museums.

of the Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de Besançon, we invite the public to celebrate the event
the event by discovering the life and work of ethnologist and Resistance fighter Germaine Tillion.

of the Vauban fortress, to discover or rediscover its architecture and history, accompanied by a guide.

Every Thursday evening from July 18 to August 29, spectators are invited to (re)discover a popular and timeless film each week, with a panoramic view of the illuminated city.
The program echoes the "Dessine-moi ta planète" (Draw me your planet) exhibition, with its themes of science fiction and space exploration.

can come and immortalize the Citadelle from sunset to nightfall. From the terrace on the first front to the top of the ramparts, via the
from the terrace on the first front to the top of the ramparts, via the Tour de la Reine, they'll be able to enjoy the best views of the Citadelle, the town, the Doubs and the surrounding hills, under the soft light of the full moon to take sumptuous shots.

Tasting fine local produce on a beautiful checkered tablecloth, having the Citadelle all to yourself as the sun sets, aperitifs with V.U.E* and Insolites invite guests to experience a moment suspended in time.

A big helping hand for a big clean!

For the occasion, the Couleur de Chap' company, Cirque Plume's Jura neighbors, will be performing their Farmall show, which is both humorous and cultured. In fact, this soberly offbeat musical flirts between the gentle madness of the actors, the scenic surprise of a tractor and the virtuosity of the musicians.

This not-to-be-missed back-to-school event will take place in the Parc Saint-Etienne, with a 180° panorama of the city's lights as a backdrop. The public is invited to enjoy the last long days of summer, with family and friends.

These performances open the door to the circus of tomorrow, where movement sometimes resembles dance, and where poetic surprise is king! The shows Lévitation Réelle and Inertie won over audiences at the last edition of the Chalon dans la Rue festival.

biodiversity. Numerous meetings, events and workshops to discover some of the conservation projects in which the Besançon Museum is actively involved.

To mark the 50th anniversary of World Heritage status, the 9 UNESCO sites in Burgundy-Franche-Comté will be offering tastings of their exceptional universal value every Friday evening in June.

A version of the game is now accessible to people with reduced mobility.