La Citadelle concerned by two projects in the 2024 participatory budget



La Citadelle concerned by two projects in the 2024 participatory budget

Now in its second season, the citizens' projects organized by the City of Besançon enable all residents and students to vote on 24 projects to improve living conditions in Besançon.

This year, two projects concern the Citadelle.

What projects are involved in the Citadelle?

Project 11: A pathway accessible to all inside the Citadelle

Create a pedestrian circuit with an adapted path to make it easier for everyone (the elderly, people with reduced mobility, strollers, etc.) to get around the Citadelle.

Submitted by : Yves Ketterer, for the Commission Intercommunale d'Accessibilité's group of usage experts

Estimated budget: €10,000, including roadworks (66 m long and 2 m wide).

Project n°19: Easier access to the Citadelle for people with walking difficulties or reduced mobility

Purchase an electric vehicle to enable people with reduced mobility to access the Citadelle from the entrance parking lot.

Supported by : Antonio Serra, for APF France Handicap

Budget estimated at €70,000, including vehicle purchase.

How many projects will be financed?

A budget of 250,000 euros will be used for the projects.

Funded projects will start with the most popular, until the envelope is exhausted.

How do I vote for projects?

Voting is open from tomorrow May 15 until June 5 only
Only residents and students of the city of Besançon can vote.

How do I vote? By going to

To vote, you must be logged in

  • Do you already have an account with Ateliers Citoyens? Simply log in by clicking on the Login button. You'll find it at the top left of the screen.
  • If you don't have an account yet? Simply register by clicking on the Register button. Once you've registered, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you. You must confirm your registration, otherwise your vote will not be taken into account.

Can't validate your vote? Contact the participatory budget team by e-mail: or by telephone on 07 84 10 74 96.
Please note that you must vote for 3 projects, otherwise your vote will not be validated.

Prefer to vote with a paper ballot? Visit your local town hall, community center, library or media library.