illustration La Citadelle de Besançon illustration La Citadelle de Besançon illustration La Citadelle de Besançon illustration La Citadelle de Besançon illustration La Citadelle de Besançon illustration La Citadelle de Besançon illustration La Citadelle de Besançon

UNESCO logo The Besançon Citadel Protecting your assets

Emblematic of the city of Besançon, the Citadelle is a major cultural and tourist attraction. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this major work by Vauban is considered a universal asset to be carefully protected. Surprising and majestic, this tercentenary structure is nonetheless accessible to all those who wish to discover its secrets and the treasures it contains!

Photo of part of the Besançon Citadel

One of France's most beautiful citadels

From the top of its ramparts, three centuries look down on you... completed in 1684, this masterpiece of bastioned architecture created by Vauban is considered one of the most beautiful citadels in France. Overlooking the old town of Besançon from a height of over 100 metres, it is hemmed in by the meandering Doubs River, and also offers fine views of the surrounding hills. A vast area - no less than 11 hectares! - now dedicated to culture and tourism, the Citadelle has served over the centuries as a barracks, a training ground for future officers - "the cadets" - a state prison and a military penitentiary.

Side view of the Besançon Citadel

Stroll through the Citadel

To find out more about the Citadelle and its history, head for the Chapelle Saint-Étienne, at the heart of the site: a multimedia show takes you back in time and space, to discover the key moments that have marked Besançon and the monument - continuous broadcasting, three projections per hour.
The tour continues in the Bâtiment des Cadets, with the Espace Vauban: four exhibition rooms reveal all the keys to understanding the site.

With these fundamentals in mind, you'll appreciate the Citadelle with new eyes: climb the ramparts to enjoy the exceptional panoramic views over the city of Besançon and the surrounding natural environment. If you want to go further, follow the signs and educational panels along the way, or try out the tour and interactive games available to all on the MaCitadelle app.
Unless you're tempted by one of our many guided tours!

Enjoy breathtaking panoramic views and let yourself be overwhelmed by the magic of the Citadel and the surrounding countryside.
La restauration du moulin

Focus on ...

La restauration du moulin

Le moulin à cheval du XVIIIe siècle a été récemment restauré. Sa restauration et l’aménagement de la pièce ont eu pour but d’optimiser son accessibilité et sa mise en valeur, ainsi que d’en restituer les éléments manquants afin de mieux expliquer son fonctionnement. Le moulin a fait l’objet d’une recherche aux archives historiques du Service de la Défense et d’études archéologique et dendrochronologique. Sa partie avant a été ensuite restaurée afin de permettre sa remise en mouvement lors d’évènements particuliers. Ce projet de restauration et restitution a fait appel à de nombreux partenaires du territoire, et à ce titre s’inscrit pleinement dans la démarche culturelle et scientifique de partage, d’éducation et de préservation du patrimoine par le développement, valeurs essentielles portées par l’Unesco.

Une citadelle doit assurer l’autosuffisance d’une garnison, d’où la présence de bâtiments et installations nécessaires à la vie quotidienne. Un moulin permet la fabrication de la farine, et donc du pain, base de l’alimentation des soldats à cette période. À l’époque de Vauban, cette activité est assurée par des moulins à bras, renforcés au XVIIIe siècle par ce moulin à cheval. Depuis sa construction au XVIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours, la citadelle a connu de nombreuses modifications dans son architecture, mais également dans son organisation intérieure. Ce moulin est l’un des rares vestiges témoignant de la vie quotidienne de la place-forte à l’époque moderne. Il est également l’un des seuls exemplaires conservés en France.

A remarkable heritage

In 2003, with the support of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, Besançon initiated the project to have Vauban's work included on UNESCO's World Heritage List. Along with eleven other sites, the city forms the Network of Major Vauban Sites. They were all inscribed on the World Heritage List on July 7, 2008: a fine recognition of the universal value of Vauban's work, and of the need to protect it. The city's fortifications and the Citadelle are also the subject of an ongoing restoration program. To enhance the value of this fleuron of military architecture while preserving its original appearance, technicality and exemplarity are the order of the day. For example, craftsmanship skills are used extensively, encouraging their mastery and transmission. Every summer, the Citadelle invites a group of young volunteers to take ownership of this heritage by helping to safeguard it, as part of a work camp.

Eight other UNESCO properties to discover in Burgundy-Franche-Comté.

A remarkable heritage