illustration I subscribe
Subscriber info

I subscribe

Subscribing is easy

  • By post... downloading the form below corresponding to the option you have chosen and returning it with your payment (cheque made payable to the Trésor Public), together with a photocopy of your family record book, to the following address:
    Direction Citadelle
    Service Abonnements
    Ville de Besançon
    25034 Besançon
  • On your way to the Citadelle...
    ... buy your annual pass from our reception/ticketing team, then fill in the form on site or from home by downloading it below.


Download subscription forms :

Your season ticket(s) will be handed to you personally by our reception/ticketing team at the time of your next visit.

For further information
Julie TOURNIER, your Subscription Advisor
E-mail :
Tel.: 03 81 87 83 47