illustration Benefits & privileges
Citadelle partners

Benefits & privileges

La Citadelle's partners are motivated by a wide range of factors, including their contribution to the general interest, employee involvement and local roots. In addition to the various values on which your company can base its commitment, joining the Cercle des partenaires de la Citadelle offers you numerous advantages.

1 - Enhance your image, gain recognition

Contributing to the preservation of a UNESCO site not only enriches its identity and integrates it into UNESCO's regional, national and international network, it also enhances its visibility and image. As a partner, your support is highlighted on all communication media linked to the supported project:

  • Press releases and press kits
  • Invitation cards
  • Posters
  • Banners and kakemonos
  • Brochures or catalogs
  • Website...

2 - Communicate differently

Benefit from an exceptional environment to enhance your public relations. Close to the city but isolated from the noise, and with parking nearby, La Citadelle offers a number of prestigious, fully-equipped function rooms, ideally distributed throughout the site:

  • Chapelle Saint-Etienne: its historic charm and the possibility of viewing a multimedia show will impress your guests at your gala evenings or cocktail parties.
  • Cour de l'aquarium: an unusual setting for a cocktail that's sure to set you apart.
  • Hangar aux Manœuvres: this vast 19th-century building can host your large-scale events (conferences, meetings, gala dinners, etc.).
  • Les Terrasses de Vauban: magnificently located, these vaulted rooms and their panoramic terrace overlooking Besançon will host your cocktails, dinners, meetings or seminars.
  • The Salle Ledoux: this room, with its three modular areas, offers both professional and intimate settings for convivial meetings and conferences.
  • The Salle Garneret: the perfect room for business meetings, yours will gain in cachet thanks to the room's rich decor.

3 - Expand your network

Becoming a partner of La Citadelle can also bring you closer together, creating synergies that can lead to unprecedented collaborations. Our partners join "Le Cercle des Partenaires de la Citadelle", a network of dynamic business leaders who share your values of openness, creativity and dialogue.

La Citadelle's partners are regularly invited to special events: Cercle des mécènes evenings, invitations to special events organized by La Citadelle (press conferences, vernissages, etc.) and privileged access to the site and certain events (preview visits, free admission, etc.).